martes, 16 de enero de 2018




Jerry Lundegaard, a sales manager at an Oldsmobile dealership in Minneapolis , was driving  through a bleak, snowy landscape, towing a Cutlass Ciera. He arrived at a bar in Fargo, North Dakota to meet with two criminals, Carl Showalter and Gaear Grimsrud. He had arranged for them to kidnap his wife Jean,  back in Minnesota in order to extort ransom money from his father-in-law, Wade Gustafson. He promised them a cut of the ransom money—and the brand new Ciera, which he had stolen from his own company's lot.
He was planning to take a million dollars in ransom from Wade and leave the kidnappers with only $80,000. Carl and Gaear agreed. They visited a couple of prostitutes at a truck stop before heading to Minneapolis.
Jerry almost called off the plan when Wade seemed ready to go in on a real-estate deal with him, but it turned out Wade wasn't really going to let him get in on the deal in a big way. So, the kidnapping went as planned.
However, things started to go seriously wrong when Carl and Gaear got pulled over by a state trooper on the highway. Gaear shot the state trooper in the head, and then killed a couple that had witnessed the crime while driving by.
Marge Gunderson, the movie's heroine and main character was the chief of police in Brainerd, Minnesota, near where the bodies of Gaear's victims were found. She managed to interview the prostitutes who slept with Gaear and Carl, and started to uncover their trail. She was a nice, cheerful, smart cop. She also happened to be seven months pregnant.
Meanwhile Marge  got a lead on a guy who had received some phone calls from Gaear and Carl. She showed up at Jerry's dealership to ask him about a missing Ciera reported to be driven by the suspects.
Wade wanted to take an important role in freeing his daughter from her kidnappers. Carl told Jerry  to bring him the money to a parking garage but Wade rushed out ahead of him, bringing the suitcase with a million dollars. Carl was unhappy that Wade had  arrived instead of Jerry. When Wade demanded to see his daughter, Carl shot and killed him, but he managed to shoot Carl in the jaw before he died.
Marge, still on the trail of the Ciera, went back to interview Jerry again. He freaked out under the pressure of Marge's questioning, and escaped.
Carl hid the million dollars in the snow, planning on getting it later. He brought back forty thousand for Gaear, who had been watching Jean at their remote cabin hideout. Gaear, annoyed with Jean for being too noisy, had killed her. Carl returned to the hideout, and after an argument about who got the Ciera, Gaear murdered Carl with an ax.
After one of her officers picked up a lead from a local bartender, Marge discovered the criminals' hideout, where Gaear was busy putting Carl's body through a wood chipper. She shot, injured, and successfully arrested him. Marge said she just couldn´t understand what motivates people to do these terrible things.

Meanwhile, the cops tracked Jerry down to a motel where he was trying to flee, Marge and her husband, Norm, were peacefully watching TV in bed and happily awaiting the birth of their child. 


1.    What are Jerry Lundegaard's motives for staging this kidnapping?

2.    What's going on in Gaear Grimsrud's head?

3.    Is Mike Yanagita´s scene meaningless in the film?

4.    What causes people to become criminals? What are the differences (and similarities) between Jerry's motives and the motives of Carl and Gaear?

5.    Will anyone ever find that suitcase?

6.    What makes Marge and Norm's marriage happy?

7.    What are Jerry's feelings towards his wife, son, and father-in-law?

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