viernes, 5 de octubre de 2018

Women writers: Nobel prize winners

These six remarkable women are Nobel prize winners.
A) Click on their picture to learn about their lives. 
B)Click on their names to read some of their work

  1. PEARL BUCK (1872-1973)- 1938 Nobel  USA-   Click here if you want to read "East wind, West wind", one of her top selling books
  2. NADINE GORDIMER (1923-2014) -1991 Nobel- SOUTH AFRICA
  3. TONI MORRISON (1931-2019) - 1993 Nobel  USA
  4. DORIS LESSING-(1919-2013)  2007 Nobel Great Britain
  5. ALICE MUNRO- (1931-) 2013 Nobel  Canada
  6. LOUISE GLÜCK (1943-) 2020 Nobel USA

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