miércoles, 19 de febrero de 2020


The documentary called "Alive Inside" was made by Michael Rossalto Bennett, an alternative filmmaker from the United States. The documentary explores the positive effects that music can have on patients suffering from Alzheimer´s disease. It follows the progress of a social worker, Dan Cohen, and his plan to introduce music in care homes in New York. what he does is create a personalized playlist for each patient hoping that the patients can travel back to the time when they heard the songs, and this perhaps will help them to remember important events in their past.

English File- Oxford Upper Intermediate- Workbook page 39
After the listening activity answer the following questions:

1- Now watch this excerpt from the documentary: "Alive Inside"

2-Read these reviews. Make a list with all the chunks used to express emotions

3- Now read this example of an opinion essay about music.
Write your own essay with this title: "The importance of music in my life". (200  words)

Yours will have three paragraphs:
1- Introduction: In what way-s it is important

2- You can speak about: The type of music I listen /used to listen to - when- why; Your first memories of music in your life, and how it has evolved; if you play an instrument, which, where,,, .etc. Use the body of the sample for inspiration

3- Wrap up the essay and end with a powerful sentence.

Click here to see the rubrik that will be used to assess your essay

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