martes, 14 de abril de 2020

APRIL14th- APRIL 17th

Today is April 14th Tuesday

Hello again! I hope you are all in good form!


1-I am receiving you Easter voluntary homework. Thanks a lot ! I will start checking it and I will let you know about your mark by e-mail. Give me some time, please!

2- Today you are going to start working with CatherineShe will be with 2 ESO A and C on Mondays and Tuesdays.
You have been divided in groups of 4
She is going to be with you through "MEET". The sessions with Catherine will take place in the afternoon for two reasons:
            1- She is in America
            2- This way it will not interfere with any other session you may have in the morning.
The timetable is from 15:00 to 19:00.
She will spend 30 minutes with each group .
 Please check your e-mail,. If your group has class with her today,  Catherine has sent  tyou an invitation with the link to join in. Then you  should click "attend" and you will be able to access the video chat.
If you don´t have any e-mail from Catherine today, it means you will have class with her another day.


a)What does the word "chariot" mean?-

 “Chariot” is a  mode of transportation (carro). 

b)What does it refer to in  the poem?

The chariot that holds, not just a person, as a chariot holds, but the person’s entire soul is the action of reading. 
"Frugal" means "inexpensive"

The poet writes only eight lines to express that reading is vital . Dickinson mainly compares reading to modes of transportation;  when people engage in reading they can be taken to distant places . "Without opress of toll" means without having to pay for travelling. In conclusion, if you like reading, you will have the privilege to visit distant places easily

3- BOOK PAGE 114-

a) Click here to find new words contained in the story
Copy them in your notebook
 b) - Click here to listen to it

Today is April 15th Wednesday

1- Read our poem. Think about the content and try to answer this question:

Why did Emily Dickinson write "There is no frigate like a book"?. What is the message of this poem?

I will give you the answer tomorrow, but please, reflect upon it.

2- Go back to yesterday´s text: book page 114. Listen to it again and do the following exercises: "zoom in" on page 114 and  exercises  1 and 2 on page 115

-Useful vocabulary: 
Quarrel: pelea, bronca, disputa (noun and verb)
To assume- dar por hecho
To claim.- alegar
whether- if (si)

3- Watch this video- Do you recognize the song?- Enjoy it!

Today is April 16th Thursday

1-Read our poem
a)This is the answer to yesterday´s question:

Why did Emily Dickinson write "There is no frigate like a book"?. What is the message of this poem?
The message is that nothing compares to a book:  Like a firgate (a boat), a book can take you to distant places. By reading, even the poorest people can travel to faraway places.

b)In the third stanza there is another simile. What is the meaning of "courser"? and "prancing"?. 
1- Find both words in the dictionary
2- What is the meaning of this simile?

2- Solutions to yesterday´s questions: 
  Book page 114- zoom in: 1. d 2. b 3. c 4. a  
   Book page 115- ex 1-  1. D      2. C      3. C     4. A     5. A      6. B
                             ex 2-      1. learn to break the fatigue barrier 
                                            2. her son is too tired to eat 
                                            3. takes part in tournaments
                                            4. on the day of the tournament 
                                            5. to take part in manly tests of strength

3- Do exercise 3 on page 115-  Click here to listen to the end of the story
4-Watch this  scene:

a) How did Lisa feel? Why?
b) Have you ever felt neglected by your family? And by your teacher? 

Today is April 17th Friday



Remember Catherine´s idea about the Time Capsule- Do you do it every day?. It is a great idea to keep doing it. Today, please pick three questions from slides 9 and 19 and answer them. Add anything you want


4-1- Read our poem
These are the answers to yesterday´s questions:
a) Find "courser" and "to prance" in the dictionary:

COURSER: corcel (poetic word for "horse")
TO PRANCE- brincar, dar saltos

b- What is the meaning of this simile in the poem (in the 3rd stanza) ?

The simile is the third stanza is also personification because it indicates that the poem prances (brinca) like a horse.
Reading a page of poetry  is just like riding a horse. It can prance across the page and carry people to wider places.
Essentially, these two comparisons (the one about the frigate and the one about the horse) show that books are able to carry people to distant places just like boats and horses do but more in a mental rather than a physical way.

4-2 -Solutions to  exercise 3 on page 115

I don´t think Rob is ill. In fact, it is not true that there is a boxing club in his school. He must have invented it because he didn´t want to disappoint his father. 
He and his father did 12 miles of  cycling every day (20 km.)  in order to train. However he wasn´t picked for the rugby team, so he invented that he had been chosen for the boxing club.

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT- In your session with Catherine next week, you will speak about the video about Lisa Simpson I posted yesterday. So please, make sure that you understand the story so that you can discuss it with Catherine. Don´t forget to click "attend" on her invitation.

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