sábado, 27 de febrero de 2021

THE INVENTION OF HUGO CABRET- (By Carmen Sánchez Sanchez-Marmol and Isabel López Villa .Grupo Hipatia- 2020-2021)


Activity 1- HOW TO EXPRESS FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS: (The soundtrack in "Hugo")

In 2011, versatile Canadian composer Howard Shore wrote the soundtrack for Martin Scorsese’s Hugo.This soundtrack was nominated for an Oscar and a Golden Globe. Hugo, which is based on Brian Selznick’s novel The Invention of Hugo Cabret, is about an orphan who secretly lives in the Paris train station Gare Montparnasse, where he maintains the clocks. 

1-Click on the title of the link in "c" and listen to the first track.

While you listen, decide what type of feelings and emotions this music evokes in you.

Use the hints above (a and b) for help.

You need to build four sentences following each pattern in link 1a

2- Pick another track from the list and write a paragraph about your impressions on this extract. Follow the four patterns in link 1 a


Explain why you chose this image using the patterns in activity 1 a

Activity 4: - INTRODUCTION

a) Read this introduction in silence.
b)Choose your favourite chunk (phrase of full sentence) from the introduction. 

Activity 5- THE BEGINNING OF THE STORY: Read the beginning of the story, on the link marked below. In groups of 2 or 3 , dramatize this text.

We will assess our classmates with the app "Mentimeter"

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