domingo, 7 de febrero de 2021

WRITING A REPORT: An endangered species


Outline the current situation of the endangered species (in general) and suggest ways to help protect them.

Find an example of a report on course book page 28 and some clues on page 29  (On Screen 1º Bachillerato)


1- PURPOSE- (Keep it short and to the point)

You can start:

"The aim of this report is ...."

2-BODY: Topic paragraphs. 

2-   A- Describe briefly the current situation for some species. Give some examples

      B- Speak about the major threats these animals face. 

3-CONCLUSION: Make suggestions to help solve the problem. 

If you want some more ideas, click on the links below.


 1- Click here for some basic information on what a report is and how it is structured

2- Click here to find an example of how a formal report is done

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