martes, 21 de septiembre de 2021

SCHOOLS- Our school experience


 1- Choose one of these questions to ask your classmates:

a) What kind of Primary school did you attend? Did you like it?

b) Did you go to the kindergarten when you were little? When did you start? For how long did you stay there every day? Did you like it?

c) What is your favourite subject now? Has it always been your favourite subject or have you changed?

d) What are you good at?

e) What is your least favourite subject?

f) Have you ever had individual tuition? on what subject? For how long? Did you like it?

g) Do you have extracurricular activities in the afternoon? what do you do? Do you like it?

h) In your opinion: What qualities should a good teacher have?

i) What kind of student are you? Define yourself with some adjectives

j) Do you like your class this year? Why? / Why not?

2- Ask  the same question to everybody in your group and make notes of their answer

3- Write down all the questions chosen in your group- Just the questions

4- Get all the information about the student in your slip of paper by asking all the members of the team and write a text about this person and his /her experience about education.

- Click here to find a model

Follow up: Add a lie to the paragraph. Read it aloud to the class . They must guess what is incorrect (the other members of the team can´t speak now)



A Japanese school

A Vocational school


Waldorf schools

Special education

Special education (II)

After learning about other types of school, in pairs, write down and then act out a dialogue like the one with the student of a Japanese school ( pretend you interview a student at a different type of school)

Find out about the following type of schools:

Eco-Friendly Schools

Boarding Schools

Vocational schools

Montessory schools

Schools for the Performing Arts

Military Schools

Religious Schools


6 comentarios:

  1. Isabel is an intelligent person.
    Her fauvorite class is Spanish but only thise year becouse we have a very cool teacher. She thinks that a good teacher needs to be good explaining and good with students.

  2. Carolina went to the kindergarten when she was 2 years old. She stayed there for 6 hours a day. She is a nice student, and for her, one important quality a good teacher should have is patience. The subject that she likes the most is art, and it has always been. However the one that she likest the least is biology.

  3. Ezquiel doesn't like maths, is his least favourite subject, actually his favorite now is sports, and he is good at football. He is a happy student and if he could choose his teacher he would like a happy one

  4. Laura went to kinder garden when she was little.She is very good at skating and her favorite subject is arts.She is a hardworking student and she knows how to explain things very well.

  5. He went to the kindergarden when he was 2 years old, but he doesn't remember for how long. He is good at P.E. and his favorite subject is spanish he doesn't do any extra curricular activity.

  6. Nils went to the kindergarten when he was 3 years old .Now he play football in the extracurricular activity , he loves football.His favorite subjet is spanish and his least subjet is maths.
