domingo, 11 de febrero de 2024



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Sensory perception: Smell
We smell many things all around us. Some smells are pleasant while others are revolting. Let us look at these words which are related to smell.

pleasant, flowery, revolting, pungent, sweet, scent, aroma, stink, rotten, sniff, foul, perfume, whiff, odour

We can separate most of the words given above into good smell and bad smell. Make a table and separate the good and the bad smell. Are there some words remaining? What do you think they mean?

Sensory perception: Taste
We can mainly taste four different tastes.

sweet, sour, salty, bitter

But every food that we have has a mixture of different tastes that makes it unique. Even the thought of food that we like makes our mouth water.
Here are some words that can be used when we are talking about taste.

spicy, hot, tangy, sharp, bland, plain, weak, tasteless, tart, sugary, syrupy

Sensory perception: Touch
Look at these words. They tell us about touch or about what we feel when we touch.

smooth, silky, rough, grainy, coarse, fine, metallic, glassy, leathery, furry, warm, cool, cold, hot, icy

Let’s divide the words into different boxes. In one box write down all the soft and comfortable touch words and in the other one put all the hard and uncomfortable touch words.

Sensory perception: Sight
When we talk about the things we see, we talk about the size, shape and colour of the object.
To describe the size we use words like big, small, tiny, huge fat, thin, and so on.
To describe the shape we use words like round, square, surly, straight, curved, and so on.

Sensory perception: Sound
We hear many sounds all around us all the time. Some sounds are loud, some are soft. Some are sounds we like and some are sounds we don’t like. Here are some words that we can use to describe sounds.

loud, growl, rumble, roar, screech, squeak, soft, soothing, melodious, thud, bang, purr

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