lunes, 23 de marzo de 2020

TAREAS 2 ESO- 23rd-27th March

Today is March 23rd Monday

1- Read this month´s poem


 Book pages 110- 111

a) Read the letter on page 110 again

b) Read this text:

Today, more than two thirds of American households own pets. Annually, they spend more than $50 billion on their care, giving their dogs birthday presents and having professional photographs taken. In fact, according to some studies, many Americans grow more concerned when they see a dog in pain than when they see an adult human suffering. It’s as though household pets have become part of the family. 

c) Write an opinion letter (as a word document on your computer)-   You write a letter to the newspaper expressing your opinion about this trend (they way many people treat pets today). 


-The letter must have 4 paragraphs (leave a blank line in between each paragraph)

-Follow the "Writing Plan" on page 111
-Use the model on page 110 

d) When you have the essay ready, send it to me through this link. Don´t forget to include: your full name (Nombre y apellidos) and your e-mail address  (so that I ca send it back to you , corrected)

When you get your essay corrected, you have to copy it in your little copy-book, with no mistakes.

Today is March 24th Tuesday

Thank you for your work! I will start checking your essays and sending them over to you. 

1- Read our poem
2- Today we should start a new unit. But instead of that, we are going to start a new project. It is Catherine´s idea. 


It may seem a difficult task to you, but don´t panic!, as Catherine says in the third slide, a paragraph is all you have to write, and you can be as creative as you want: use drawings, photographs, newspaper clippings.... You can use Cahterine´s questions as a source of inspiration, but it doesn´t mean that you must answer them all. 

Start this journal today. If you have a spare notebook at home, you can use it , but if you don´t you can do it in your English notebook .

Also, if you still have extra time today, and you feel like it, you can continue reading your Charles Dickens book. Remember we said we would try to finish it by the end of this week.

Let me finish today with an inspirational quote: 

“If you can't fly, then run. If you can't run, then walk. If you can't walk, then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

Today is March 25th Wednesday

1- Read our poem

2- Go back to Catherine´s link (yesterday). Go over all the questions (slides 7-10) and choose three that you would like to answer today. Reflect upon them and write down the answers to these questions. This will be the second entry of the journal you started yesterday. If you wish, you can add something of your own, maybe a drawing, a photograph or a newspaper clipping.

3- Make some progress in your reader (Charles Dickens). Remember that we are all supposed to finish it by the end of this week.

Today´s inspirtational quote:

"Everythng you want is out there waiting for you to ask. Everything you want alswo wants you. But you have to take action to get it. 

Jules Renard

NOTE: I am checking your opinion essays and sending them to you by e-mail .
- Please notice that when I copy it and paste it on the e-mail there are some unwanted changes related to the space between paragraphs and the ending of each line. Do not take this into consideration when you copy it in your little copy-books. Just make sure that your essay is written down without mistakes now.

-If you have not sent your essay on a WORD document, do it. I cannot make corrections in other type of documents. 

Today is March 26th Thursday

1- Read this month´s poem

2-Watch this video about Rudyard Kipling, this month´s poet.

3-Answer these questions (with full sentences):
 Please, copy the questions and answers in your notebook.
(I will give you the answers tomorrow)

a) How long ago was he born? 
b) What was his father´s job?
c) How old was he when he was taken to England?
d) What happened to him there? How do you think he must have felt?
e) What happened when he was twelve?
f) How old was he when he returned to India?
f) What did he do for a living? (What was his job?)
g) How old was he when he became a well-known writer?
h) What very important award did he win?
i) How many children did he have?
j) What are his major works?
k) Choose one of the quotes that appear in the video and write it down.

4-"My Time Capsule Journal" : Choose two questions from Catherine´s presentations and answer them in your "Time Capsule" journal. Or else write your little paragraph describing your feelings, emotions or opinions... Remember this part is left to your own creativity.

Today is March 27th Friday

1- Read our poem
2- Click here to check yesterday´s questions on Rudyard Kipling

3- "My Time Capsule Journal": Write a paragraph with your impressions today or go over Catherine´s questions, pick two and answer them. Remember you can add any drawing, clipping... Be creative!

4- Continue reading your Charles Dickens book. Try to finish it over the weekend.

Next week we will start the last unit: "Family ties", a very interesting one! 

Have a nice weekend!

15 comentarios:

  1. isabelle I have a problem, I don't think I have the little copy book with me right now

    1. O.k. That is no problem. When you get your essay back, corrected, just copy it down on a sheet of paper the size of your little copy-book, so that you can glue it there later on. By the way, Are you Covi?

  2. cuando hay que entregarlo? soy claudia.M

  3. Its for today?el essay

    1. Just do it , and send it. It was meant for yesterday, but do it today, O.K.?

  4. Hola hay mandar el trabajo por foto?o nos lo guardamos en el cuaderno

    1. On a word document, please. I say so in the instructions, Nicolás.

  5. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  6. Lo de Catherine lo podemos hacer en word?? Pablo M

    1. Lo podéis hace como os guste más. Si lo hacéis en word, no olvidéis guardarlo. Después, cuando volvamos, lo compartiremos

  7. Can you put less homework please thanks 😊👍🏼

    1. Oh! Was it really too much? Sorry! I promise to give you less work tomorrow ; - )
