domingo, 29 de marzo de 2020

TAREAS 2º ESO (March 30th-April 2nd)

Today is March 30th Monday

1- Read our poem

2- Click here to copy the objectives of UNIT 10

3- PAGE 112: Look at the picture (the house) and answer these questons with full sentences:

a)  How many people are there in the living-room?
b) What are they doing?
c) How many people are there in the kitchen?
d) Whar are they doing?
e) How many people are there in the bathroom?
f) What is he doing?
g) How many people are there in the bedroom?
h) What is she doing?

4 -PAGE 113 Ex 4


1-Those of you who have not submitted the OPINION ESSAY of the last unit, do it , or you´ll have 0 on this task

2-You are going to have a class with Catherine. It will be a video conference and you will be divided in groups of 4 for this. I will let you know by e-mail when it is your turn, so please, check your e-mails every day

Today is March 31st Tuesday

1- Read our poem
4- Do Book page 113 ex 5 ( I will post  the solutions tomorrow)

5- TIME CAPSULE PROJECT. Write your diary entry today. Remember you can add any picture or clipping you want to. 

Today is April 1st Wednesday

2- These are the answers to book page 113 ex 5:
 1. d     2. g     3. c     4. a      5. e      6. h      7. f        8. b

3- PAGE 13- exercise 6- LISTENING: Click here to listen to the audio 

I will give you the answers tomorrow.

4- TIME CAPSULE PROJECT- Today´s entry 

Today is April 2nd Thursday


     a)Read this month´s poem
      b) Listen to it on this video

c) This simple poem reveals Dickinson’s fascination with reading. To her, there is nothing quite adventurous as a good book.

What does the word "chariot" mean?
What does it refer to in  the poem?


-Book page 113 Ex 6- Listening: Answer
1. Alice       2. Jack       3. Alice      4. Jack       5. both of them      6. both of them


4-AND A NON-COMPULSORY ACTIVITY FOR THE EASTER HOLIDAY. This is a voluntary activity which may help you to increase your mark this term.

You can either :
a) COMIC:  summarize the Charles Dickens book you have read in a comic


b) ESSAY:  Write a summary of the story , describe the main characters  and give your personal opinion about it .

You can send it to me through this link. Deadline April 13th. Remember, it is VOLUNTARY!!!

And a new word for you to learn: 

18 comentarios:

  1. Isabel have you corrected all the essays?? Because I haven't received the correction and I don't Know if you have received the essay

    1. Ana, I have corrected yours. I thought I had sent it to you. There must have been a mistake. I will do it again tomorrow, O.K.?

    2. ok, i had already found it sorry

  2. Ayer no mandaste el ejercicio 3 solo el 4

  3. Laura, I know. I refer to the 3rd exercise I gave you yesterday. I don´t refer to exercise 3 on you couse book, I refer to the questionnaire I gave you about the house which is on page 112, got it, Laura?

  4. Pero como te mandamos el"time capsul prject"
    Soy alvaro

    1. Hola Álvaro. Ese proyecto no me lo tenéis que mandar. Lo veremos juntos cuando volvamos.

  5. Respuestas
    1. Hola Alvaro,
      La tarea que os he puesto y la tarea voluntaria para las vacaciones. Pero tú me debes el opinion essay de la semana pasada, así que mándamelo, por favor

  6. Hola Isabel, no me deja mandar la tarea voluntaria. Lo probé ayer y no funcionaba y lo he probado hoy y tampoco.¿me puedes mandar tu correo para que te lo pueda enviar? gracias


  7. Hello Laura,
    I got your task. No problem. You did send it!

  8. Yes but I do some modifications I put my personal opinion

  9. I think you can only send it once. Send the new part via e-mail if you can´t do it differntly
