jueves, 5 de mayo de 2022



MOUNTAINS by Rukiye Henderson

Tall and bold like a castle,
Looming in the dark.
They rise to a towering height.
As everything beneath, cowers in fright.

Covered in a blanket of silvery mist,
You feel as though kissed,
By the cold bitter wind as it rushes past.
The snow peaked tops are like pure, pristine crystals, timeless, in all their beauty.

You can smell, feel, taste, and hear all the earth around you.
The sound of birds chirping like music boxes,
The taste of juicy 
pristine  bursting with flavor,
The smell of fresh pine air,
And the feeling of pine needles, which, I declare
Feel great on your sore, blistered feet.


bold- firme

Looming - surgiendo

towering- imponente

cowers-se acobarda

mist- niebla

rushes- se apresura

snow peaked tops- cumbres nevadas

pristine - prístino, purísimo, inmaculado, muy natural

chirping- cantando, gorjeando (pájaros)

 needles- agujas

 sore- doloridos

 blistered- con ampollas

Click here to read the poem

And click her to do some activities on it

And some more

Now click here to listen to it being recited

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